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About Aude

Active, Vocal and Local!

Aude Boubaker-Calder is proud to stand for Dunfermline Central and Crossford, standing up for the local community and the values shared by the residents of the area.

As a Graduate in Communications, Aude is determined to make Dunfermline Central a place where communities thrive in a safe, clean and flourishing environment.
Coming from a multi-faith family, Aude is driven by her enthusiasm to build bridges between communities. In 2014, she worked with the lead umbrella for Ethnic Minorities more recently has attended events organised by the Dunfermline Central Mosque.

Over the last few years, Aude has helped in projects such as Defend Dunfermline, the Outwith Festival and the Pittencrieff Archaeology Field School.

Working in a local business, Aude knows the importance of the revitalisation of the Historic quarter and the High Street of Dunfermline. The residents of the old capital of Scotland should demand better for their town. Aude will voice their concerns about the maintenance of the green areas, roads and pavements but also the damaging parking charges in the town centre. She is also a supporter of Plastic-Free Dunfermline and additionally campaigns on issues such as transport, education and unscrupulous housing developments.

Nationally, Aude is fighting to get EU nationals like her a voice in this mess that is Brexit. She will work to make EU nationals feel safe and supported through these times of uncertainty. But most importantly she will work on day-to-day issues of Dunfermline Central and not be another apostle for Brexit or Independence.

Her experience drives her wish to provide a fair opportunity for all. Aude is angry at the SNP’s damaging policies on our local schools, our local police and NHS services.

Aude’s aim in entering politics is to build a better future for everyone. She says “For me, being involved in politics is all about helping people make the changes that are needed to improve their lives. Act upon words, be vocal about your concerns and keep it local

#VoteAude #ActiveLocalVocal